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Dijitalleşme, Tedarik Zinciri, Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimi, Tedarikçi SeçimiAbstract
In this study, the supplier selection problem was implemented through the supply selection system of a machine manufacturer company using the Analytical Hierarchy Process. In this direction, the method of the research can be expressed as supplier selection with the Analytical Hierarchy Process. Based on this method, the main criteria to be considered in the selection of suppliers were determined as price, quality, guarantee, technical service and delivery, and the sub-criteria of these criteria were also shaped in line with the information received from the supplier's suppliers. In this context, price sub-criteria (discount, maturity, fixed exchange rate, payment method), guarantee sub-criteria (warranty period, return/exchange), technical service sub-criteria (on-site service, service at the supplier, service period), quality sub-criteria (first quality) , second quality, third quality) and delivery sub-criteria (delivery to the door, delivery in the enterprise) was chosen to determine the best supplier.
In the research, it was determined that quality took the first place among the main criteria, followed by the price criterion. Depending on the quality criterion, Supplier-1 takes the first place, while Supplier-2 stands out for the price criterion. In addition to these, a holistic evaluation was made depending on the sub-criteria created under the main criteria, and as a result of the analyzes, it was concluded that the suppliers, which the enterprise prioritizes as T1>T2>T3>T4, can be placed in the order of importance of T1>T3>T2>T4 in line with all the criteria.
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