Reviewer Guideline

Referee Guide

This guide aims to simplify and streamline the reviewers' work process. It is recommended that you watch the video ‘Refereeing Processes’ to complete the review process using OJS.

Reviewers are assigned to critically read and evaluate a manuscript in their area of expertise. Reviewers are expected to provide respectful, constructive and honest feedback on the manuscript. It is important for reviewers to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the manuscript, make suggestions to improve its quality, and assess whether the work is original.

Before Review:

Expertise Match: Pay attention to whether the article is compatible with your area of expertise. If not, inform the editor and suggest an alternative reviewer.

Time Commitment: Reviews should be completed within two weeks. If this is not possible, inform the editor and suggest a change.

Conflict of Interest: If there is any conflict of interest, inform the editor before reviewing.

During Evaluation:

Content Quality and Originality: Evaluate whether the article presents new perspectives and whether it meets the journal's standards. Check whether the research makes a significant contribution to the field.

Organisation and Clarity: Evaluate the clarity of the title, abstract, introduction, methods, findings and conclusion. Check whether the information is presented logically and whether the data, tables, figures and illustrations are clear.

Scope: Make sure that the manuscript is appropriate to the aims and scope of the journal.

Interpretation and Evaluation

Confidentiality: Keep all content confidential and do not share it with third parties without authorisation.

Ethical Issues: Report any suspected plagiarism, fraud or ethical violations to the editor.

Final Steps:

Complete the ‘Reviewer Form’ online by the deadline and complete the review process. Your feedback will greatly influence the editor's decision.

Clearly indicate only comments to the editors and comments to the author(s). Contact the journal editor if you have any questions or concerns.