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Organizational performance, Nepotism, Qualitative Research.



The aim of the study is to examine the effects of nepotism on employee performance in depth. The rationale of the study is that although nepotism is a common practice in many organizations, the effects of this issue on employee performance have not been adequately investigated. In this context, the study also aims to raise awareness of the problems that nepotism can create for managers and leaders and to guide them by explaining the long-term effects of such practices on organizational performance. The results of the study will make important contributions to the literature in terms of developing strategies to cope with nepotism, creating fairer management policies in organizations and improving the performance of organizations. The method of the research is literature review. For the research, first of all, the definitions of the variables of the study were mentioned. Then, a theoretical Deconstruction explaining the relationships between the variables was created. Later, the study and the results of these variables were carefully examined and hypotheses were formed. Finally, recommendations were made to organizations based on the research results. Indexes such as Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, Web of Science have been scanned for summer browsing. According to the research result; the relationship between nepotism and employee performance is negative.

Keywords: Organizational performance, Nepotism, Qualitative Research.


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