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Ideology, Politics, Starbucks, ŽižekAbstract
The main purpose of this study is to comprehensively discuss Slavoj Žižek, one of the most interesting and influential philosophers of our time, within the framework of the notion of ideology. There are different definitions and approaches related to the concept of ideology in the literature, reflecting its multidimensional and complex nature. Our study aims to deeply examine how Žižek approaches this concept, based on his discourses on the notion of ideology. Within the scope of the research, a specific evaluation will be made through brands like Coca-Cola, Kinder Surprise Egg, and Starbucks, which have become symbols of today's consumer culture. These brands are important examples in terms of showing how ideology manifests in our daily lives and is reproduced through consumption practices. Fundamental works and texts where Slavoj Žižek addresses the notion of ideology will be examined; in this context, traces of the philosopher's critiques of ideology will be pursued. In the first part of the study, Žižek's views and theoretical framework concerning the concept of ideology will be presented by directly referring to his own statements and texts. In the second part, the brands Coca-Cola, Kinder Surprise Egg, and Starbucks will be analyzed to concretize Žižek's critique of ideology and to deepen the discussion through current examples. This study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms of ideology's functioning in modern society by evaluating Žižek's unique approach and critiques of the concept of ideology through specific brands that are symbolic elements of consumer culture. As a result, it will be emphasized that ideology is a complex phenomenon that is not limited to political and economic structures but also includes cultural and psychological dimensions. Thus, the role and impact of ideology in today's society will be addressed from a deeper perspective in light of Žižek's thoughts.
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İnternet Kaynakları
Kinder. Kinder Hikâyesi. Erişim Adresi: Https://Www.Kinder.Com/Tr/Tr/Kinder-Hikayesi/02
Starbucks. Ana Sayfa. Erişim Adresi: Https://Www.Starbucks.Com.Tr/
Starbucks. Sorumlu Tedarik. Erişim Adresi: Https://Www.Starbucks.Com.Tr/Responsibility/Sourcing
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