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Burnout, Self-Compassion, Municipality, Municipal Employees, Labor Economics and Industrial Relations.


While burnout is defined as the state of exhaustion of physical and emotional energy of employees as a result of work stress and fatigue, self-compassion refers to the capacity of an individual to be kind and understanding towards himself. The aim of the study is to analyze the relationship between burnout and self-compassion in Menemen Municipality employees in Izmir. In this context, a survey study including a two-dimensional Oldenburg Burnout Scale, a one-dimensional Self-Understanding Scale and some socio-demographic variables was conducted. Analyzable data were obtained from a total of 164 municipal employees, 115 of whom were women (70.1%) and 49 of whom were men (29.9%) with voluntary participation. The data were subjected to validity and reliability analysis, frequency analysis, independent sample t test, one-way anova test and correlation analysis. Contrary to the results in the literature, a positive and moderate relationship was found between burnout and self-compassion at a confidence interval of 99%. In other results, no relationship was found between socio-demographic variables such as gender, age, marital status, education, seniority, employment status, spouse's employment status and burnout and self-compassion. Non-tenured employees in the municipality experience burnout more than tenured employees. 99% of the sample states that they are experiencing burnout. The self-compassion of employees who behave understandingly to themselves in the face of negative people, events and situations is higher than employees who behave neutrally and cruelly to themselves. Instead of waiting for burnout to become a problem in the municipality and creating solutions, it is necessary to make arrangements that can apply self-compassion as an effective solution.


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