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  • Kadir Caner DOĞAN Gümüşhane Üniversitesi



Francis Fukuyama is known especially in the academic literature for his end of history thesis. According to Fukuyama, the end of history is explained by the triumph of liberal democracy over other ideologies and systems of government in the late twentieth century. Fukuyama sees liberal democracy as the basic logic of social, political and economic development. Accordingly, modern states will now organize with liberal democracy and establish a system based on equality, freedom and development both at home and abroad. Modern bureaucratic state systems, which will be shaped on merit, will become the source of morality, justice and peace in society. Liberal democracy is the future projection of humanity. Liberal democracy and ombudsmen, with their contributions to ethics, equality, negotiation and freedom, will be decisive in the achievement of peace, well-being and development of societies. According to Fukuyama, the future is liberal democracy, and in this context, there is a great relationship between the core values of ombudsmen and the strengthening of law in the global arena and the disappearance of anarchy. In this study, it is aimed to put the ombudsman on the axis of the ombudsman by analyzing the basic theses of the ombudsman, which is thought to be a liberal democracy project, and Fukuyama. Because the core values of the ombudsman are considered to be an important value and institution of liberal democracy in terms of justice, merit and peace mentioned above. Ombudsman has a structure and functional qualities that are mediator in essence, adhere to ethical rules and take into account the phenomenon of justice. For this, it is aimed to explain the subjects within the framework of a scientific method. The method of the study is a literature review based on qualitative analysis.


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