Review of Literature
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Role, General Education Teachers, Promotion, Inclusive Education, and Students with Intellectual DisabilityAbstract
This research examined teacher perception of Inclusive Education (IE) and its impact on IE design management. IE is a system that accepts and helps children from all walks of life. Primary school is typically the first place where children make connections that last. The experience of working together on an assignment can teach students from different educational institutions and experiences to respect and tolerate one another's differences. It would provide ideas for mainstream educators to use with special needs students. The challenges that general education teachers in public schools’ face as an outcome of implementing IE will also be discussed. As a final point, it is hoped that the study may encourage the following academics to do similar evaluations in various fields. At a policy level, management of IE varies from general education to children with intellectual disability (SwID), so teachers require training to adapt to the effects. Implementing IE is also an alternative way for general education teachers with teaching experience to gain a new understanding of the growth in education and training technologies. General education teachers in IE environments adapted their methods to meet the needs of students without disability by providing extra support for SwID, including providing written and oral instructions and introducing more adaptive concepts before the start of the school year. Every institution of higher learning must look out for its students' health and safety. Even in today's advanced culture, some children are at a disadvantage because of their family's income level, their ethnicity, the language they were raised in, or their gender. Now more than ever, schools must serve as safe havens for people of all backgrounds. However, schools are accountable for providing IE to all children, focusing on those who may be at a disadvantage, discriminated and excluded from their fellow students. Teachers in general education who have used these resources have shown they are prepared to use them effectively in an IE setting. General education teachers in regular classrooms stated they struggled to accommodate the demands of SwID. General education teachers in the regular education sector are willing to adopt IE but may benefit from the government's encouragement to do so more actively for SwID.
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