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Rubric, mindmap, assessment and evaluation, prospective teachers.


The purpose of this study is to examine the evaluation rubrics created by prospective mathematics teachers for mind maps through content analysis. In the study, the rubrics prepared by prospective mathematics teachers to evaluate mind maps were analyzed in detail within the context of the criteria they determined and applied. For this reason, a qualitative research method, specifically a case study, was chosen. The study was conducted during the spring semester of the 2020-2021 academic year at a public university in the Marmara Region. The participants of the study consisted of twelve students enrolled in the Primary Mathematics Education program of the Faculty of Education at the same university. The participants were selected using criterion sampling, one of the purposeful sampling methods. Before beginning the rubric preparation process, the prospective teachers were provided with training on mind maps and rubrics by the researcher. During this process, the participants were asked to create mind maps on mathematics topics to help them understand the features of mind maps. Once the rubric preparation process was completed, the participants were asked to evaluate the previously created mind maps using the rubrics they had developed. Ultimately, the participants were expected to produce finalized rubrics for evaluating the mind maps. The data collected from the participants were analyzed using the content analysis method. According to the findings, the mind maps created by the participants were found to focus more on the number of main branches, visuals, and relationships between branches rather than on the conceptual content related to the topic. Accordingly, it was observed that the participants' ability to determine evaluation criteria during the rubric preparation process was not at the expected level.


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