Identification of difficulties in teaching teachers through the analysis of evaluation results

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  • Kanysh Bibekov
  • Akmaral Zhumykbayeva


assessment, testing, assessment results, portfolio, qualification exams, psychometrics, analysis of assessment results


The article discusses the possibilities of providing feedback by analyzing the test results of teachers who have completed advanced training courses, which will help to identify barriers in the training of students, in the training of trainers and improve the effectiveness of the course. Topics that teachers have shown poor results in the course of testing are analyzed and the reasons are identified. As a result of the study, conclusions were drawn regarding the determination of the relevance of the context and relevance of the content provided for teachers in the advanced training course.




How to Cite

Bibekov, K., & Zhumykbayeva, A. (2017). Identification of difficulties in teaching teachers through the analysis of evaluation results. NEW ERA INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTERDISCIPLINARY SOCIAL RESEARCHES, 2(2), 6–10. Retrieved from