Businesses worldwide are increasingly prioritizing sustainability to endure and prosper, engaging in fierce competition in this area. In today's competitive and dynamic environment, the enduring success of enterprises relies on the adoption and execution of an effective leadership strategy to improve employee performance. Transformational leadership has received much focus in management studies, especially about its influence on employee performance. Transformational leadership is essential for attaining corporate objectives by enhancing employee engagement and learning capacity, thereby elevating both individual and organizational performance. This study examines the impact of transformational leadership on employees' sustainable performance and explores the mediating function of learning orientation in this relationship. The research utilized data gathered from 302 employees of a textile firm in Elazığ Province. Analyses were conducted utilizing the SPSS software, and the mediation impact was evaluated by the Process Macro analysis technique established by Hayes (2018). The findings indicate that transformational leadership favorably affects employees' sustainable performance, with learning orientation serving as a mediating factor in this relationship. The findings underscore the significance of implementing transformational leadership principles and facilitating employees' learning processes to maintain performance levels.
Keywords: Transformational leadership, sustainable performance, learning orientation, employee performance, human resources
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