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Toplam Kalite Yönetimi, Rekabet Gücü, Turizm Sektörü.Abstract
This study was carried out to determine whether the total quality management practices have an effect on the competitiveness in the tourism sector, and if so, to what extent. In the study, the dependent variable is competitiveness and the independent variable is total quality management practices. With the industrial revolution in our world, rapidly developing technologies have shortened the distances and enlarged the sectoral market. While the competitive environments in these big markets are more intense, the sector that is most affected by these intense competition environments is the service sectors. Tourism, which is the sector with the largest value ratio of the service sector, is also affected by this intense competition. The biggest reason for the harsh competitive environment in terms of the tourism sector is seen as the rapid change in the demands and satisfactions of the customers. For this reason, quality must be kept at a high level in order to provide competitive advantage. The fact that the product produced in the tourism sector is at the employee's initiative causes quality deterioration. In accordance with the principle of sharing responsibility for quality, which is one of the foundations of total quality management, continuous improvements are made, reducing the margin of error and ensuring the quality and continuity. This success provides a linear competitive advantage. In the study, the first part was started with information about the tourism sector, and then the concepts of total quality management and competitiveness were mentioned.When the survey data was examined, it was concluded that the total quality management practices in the tourism sector affect the competitiveness
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