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The use of traditional and cultural elements as a source of inspiration in the fashion design process is one of the most important ways to innovate and make a difference. Cultural elements as an aspect of product design can create unique and original product features, enabling the creation of value-added products in the globalized market. In addition, in terms of cultural sustainability and protection of cultural heritage, it is very important to carry and keep cultural elements alive for future generations through redesign. To draw attention to the use of cultural elements as a source of inspiration in the field of fashion design, as well as carrying and keeping the cultural heritage alive for future generations; to design new products that can fit local and global markets and satisfy consumers culturally and aesthetically; In this study, which aims to create awareness for the consideration or review of cultural elements in the design and product development process and to create a culture-oriented collection development process model for designers, the traditional Konya women's clothing atelier and shalwar, which are in the Konya Ethnography Museum, are used as a source of cultural inspiration in the fashion design process. In line with contemporary and universal design approaches, a special capsule collection consisting of 6 looks and 9 pieces was prepared by using this new collection development process model, which was created based on a culture-oriented design approach. In this context, an application-based study was carried out. The designed products can have a product identity that can take place in local and global markets; It has been emphasized that culture can develop different perspectives in terms of adding artistic and aesthetic value to fashion design, as well as its aesthetic reusability. In this way, it is emphasized that intangible cultural heritage items can be transferred to future generations and become more permanent through sustainable fashion.
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