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Çağatay Turkish, Mevlânâ Sekkâkî, Dîvân, Prepositions, RegimentationAbstract
There are many opinions about the definition of prepositions. In general, prepositions are expressed as words that do not have meaning on their own, gain meaning with the words they are used with, have grammatical tasks and have a wide range of uses within word types. Many prepositions have undergone sound and shape changes from historical times to the present. Thus, prepositions have shown themselves by taking on the shape and form characteristics of the period in which they were used. We do not have clear information about Mevlana Sekkâkî. However, it is said that Mevlana Sekkâkî was born in the first half of the XVIth century, may have lived in the second half of the XIV century and the second half of the XV century, may have spent part of his life in Samarkand, and may have died in the first half of the XV century. Mevlânâ Sekkâkî's work that we have is Dîvâni. There are 2 copies of Mevlânâ Sekkâkî Dîvâni. Based on these two copies, Kemal Eraslan created the publication called Mevlânâ Sekkâkî Dîvâni. In Mevlana Sekkâkî's poems, it is possible to see the mazmuns of old Turkish literature, literary arts, verses and hadiths, parables and narrations, important figures in the Eastern and Western worlds, the disruptions and arrangements in the social life of the period, and the Sufi culture. Based on the ghazals and odes of Mevlana Sekkâkî, who stands out with his competence in the style of ode, one of the first representatives of classical Chagatai literature, it is possible to say that he knew the Turkish poetry tradition and the Persian poetry tradition well. In this article, general information about Mevlânâ Sekkâkî and Dîvânî, the most important poet of Classical Chagatai literature, is given. The current views on prepositions have been examined, and it has been tried to clarify how the shape features of the prepositions and prepositional noble words in the work are in Çağatay Turkish. In addition, classifications about the types of prepositions were mentioned and Mustafa Argunşah's classification of prepositions in Çağatay Turkish was taken as a basis. It has been determined how many times which preposition type is used in the work. In the writing of the examples in our study, the spelling of the source was adhered to based on Kemal Eraslan's Mevlânâ Sekkâkî Dîvân publication. While giving the equivalents of the prepositions in Turkey Turkish, it is based on interpretation through the TEBDİZ system. On the basis of Mustafa Argunşah's classification of prepositions in Çağatay Turkish, there are 1196 prepositions and prepositional uses in Mevlânâ Sekkâkî Dîvân. Prepositions are actively used in the work and there are few verses where prepositions are not used.
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