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The phenomenon of darkness has been accepted as one of the basic elements of life since the existence of humanity and has found its place in many branches of art throughout history. The fears, anxieties and curiosity about the unknown hidden in the depths of the human soul have caused dark themes to have a deep effect on artists. These effects, which emerged especially between the periods of Romanticism and Realism, emerge as the elements that shaped the basis of the Dark Romanticism movement in Western society. In this context, artists reflected the dark aspects of the era they were in in their works with fantastic, chilling and realistic depictions with an emotional and critical approach. Dark Romanticism first manifested itself in the fields of literature and music in Europe in the early 19th century. In contrast to other areas of art, this movement emerged in painting a little later with an exhibition opened in France in 2013. Artists such as Francisco Goya, Eugène Delacroix and Caspar David Friedrich in particular were pioneers of these themes. The paintings often featured frightening images inspired by dreams, demons, fantastic creatures, themes of death and apocalyptic scenes. In the exhibition, Dark Romanticism is divided into many sub-areas and the artists' perspectives on darkness are emphasized. This dark artistic tendency in Europe is also seen in Turkish painting, but it is understood that it is handled differently. It is seen that historical wars, social traumas, epidemics, folk narratives and legendary stories constitute an important ground in the emergence of dark themes in Turkish art. The darkness of Turkish painting, which started with religious elements and mystical elements, turned into dark elements experienced by the society in the following processes. In this context, the works of many important Turkish artists such as Muhammed Mehmet Siyahkalem, Hüseyin Avni Lifij, Aydın Ayan were discussed. In this research, which was written using the historical research technique, the dark themes in the works of Turkish painters were examined chronologically as a result and the similarities with the works produced by European Dark Romanticism artists were discussed.

Author Biography

Gülşah ÖZDEMİR, Türkçe

Assoc. Prof. Gülşah Özdemir

Born in Adana in 1982. Graduated from Gazi University, Department of Painting Education in 2007. Completed her MA program in Gazi University, Institute of Fine Arts, Department of Painting in 2012. Completed the Proficiency in Art Program in Hacettepe University, Institute of Fine Arts, Department of Painting in 2016. Worked as a research assistant in Cumhuriyet University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Painting from 2011 to 2018. Since 2018, she has continued her work as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Graphics in the Faculty of Architecture, Fine Arts and Design. She received the title of associate professor in 2023. She has participated in numerous national and international mixed and solo exhibitions throughout her academic life.


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