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New generation work models are becoming a phenomenon that societies and country administrations have been working on and devoting time to in recent years. This study examines how new-generation work models have been responded to in different countries and shows how new-generation work models are an important topic for countries ranked high in the Human Development Index (HDI). The study identifies the countries with the highest number of studies in these areas in the country lists formed by searching the words “remote working,” “hybrid working,” and “flexible working,” respectively, of three new working models from the publications scanned in the WoS (Web of Science) database. The data set obtained by combining the tables obtained by adding the identified countries and the table consisting of the top 20 countries according to their scores in the HDI for 2022 from OECD reports is subjected to bivariate correlation analysis using the SPSS v21 program. Thus, a significant relationship is revealed between HDI and countries that publish academic publications on working models (Sig=0.05 and Pearson=0.601). As a result of the study, it is observed that the countries that research new models also rank high in the HDI ranking. In addition, among the outputs of the study, not only developed countries but also developing countries attach importance to these topics. With these results, the study shows the benefits that can be provided to policy makers and businesses by focusing on new generation work models.


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