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The principal's primary responsibility is to promote the learning and success of all students. In this article, by focusing on the learning of students, school principals; promoting cooperation; by analyzing the results; by providing support; and how they can achieve this goal by maintaining curricula, teaching and assessment in an organized manner. In the 1980s, an emerging research group on effective schools focused the attention of policymakers and academics on mainstream leadership. This research suggested that the principal's "instructional leadership" role is crucial to school effectiveness. Earlier efforts to examine the impact of principal leadership had begun to identify professional leadership dimensions of the principal's role in influencing school success. However, focusing global attention on instructional leadership was an important legacy of the effective schools movement. At the same time, however, advocating for the practice of "strong instructional leadership" by principals, even in the golden age of effective schools, could not be done without critics and skeptics. They questioned the underlying assumptions and applicability of principal instructional leadership as the dominant paradigm for conceptualizing school leadership. This trend accelerated in the 1990s when academics interested in school improvement advocated transformational leadership and teacher leadership as alternative conceptualizations. Indeed, at the turn of the twenty-first century, instructional leadership seemed to have lost its power as a regulatory concept for school leadership. Still, the rise of the accountability movement at the turn of the twenty-first century has led to a greater focus on the learning outcomes of students and schools. Moreover, it has become an international trend driving the rising tide of globalization. This global interest in education reform with a focus on student learning has once again led to a focus on school leadership in general and instructional leadership in particular. In this study, it is aimed to provide a theoretical clarification on the roles and responsibilities of the school principal as an instructional leader, such as Focusing on Learning, Encouraging Collaboration, and Evaluation to Improve Learning. Literature scanning method was used in the study, and resources/documents related to the subject were determined and collected based on document evaluation methods. School principal as Practitioners; must be a leader with a mentoring role, focusing on organizational management for teaching development rather than daily teaching and learning. Researchers can determine teachers' perceptions of the school principal as the instructional leader by conducting a quantitative research on the subject of the school principal as the instructional leader.
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