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awareness of modelling


This research examines the concept of trust, which has become increasingly important from the past to the present, has been tried to be conceptualized by researchers with different views in various disciplines, but still has not reached a conceptual consensus, and it is known for its sensitive, dynamic and fragile characteristics. In addition, it addresses the process and importance of organizational trust, whose generally accepted conceptualization process continues and whose importance for organizations cannot be denied, in health institutions with a conceptual perspective. The research aims to examine the concept of trust, which is associated with concepts such as high expectations, suspicion and intense uncertainty, and organizational trust, which has gained a place in health institutions and has a very important position in health institutions by attracting the attention of the health sector since it is a field characterized by similar concepts. In this context, information about the conceptualization process of trust is given and trust types are explained. By focusing on the conceptualization process of organizational trust, organizational trust levels were mentioned. The levels of trust in the organization itself, trust in the manager and trust in colleagues were explained and the results of organizational trust were also included. In the research, the process of positioning the perception of trust, which initially focused on the doctor-patient relationship and developed, as the basic component of high quality care in health services, was examined in detail. With the technological developments in the health sector, the increase in health literacy, the updates that have occurred as a result of the dynamic change and transformation in the health sector, the process of focusing on the trust not only of doctors but also of all health professionals as a team and therefore of institutions and systems with a broader perspective has been explained. It is tried to be explained in detail how organizational trust has found a place in health institutions, which have turned into a complex matrix structure where many professional groups with various knowledge, expectations, education and needs and high judgment power serve, and why it is important in health institutions. As a result of the research, it was understood that organizational trust in health managers, colleagues and health institutions themselves should be adopted and given importance, and that health institutions can provide quality and effective health service delivery if they attach importance to organizational trust. It is thought that healthcare professionals should be investigated and examined not only through a single professional group, but also through the eyes of a wide range of healthcare professionals as much as possible. The importance and contribution of healthcare professionals' opinions in the quality competition between healthcare institutions should not be ignored. In order to conduct more studies on the importance of trust in the health sector, to include professional groups, and to reveal different opinions among professional groups in the future, applied researches should increase in our country. It is recommended for researchers who aim to contribute to this field to draw attention to the concept in question.


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